Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Advantages of Teaching Yourself

by: Gloria Walker

Many people will first look into what classes are available when they're interested in learning a new skill, and taking a course does have some advantages. For instance, with a course there is always an instructor to help one learn. Also, some skills can only be taught in groups, like most sports and many kinds of dances.

Still, putting together one's own study plans seems to offer the greater advantage in most cases. For starters, a person who teaches himself can learn at his own pace. He can study when and where it's most convenient, rather than being bound by a set class schedule. There also aren't the costs of getting to the school. Also, there might not be a course in the skill being offered near his home. There might be a class in French or Spanish at the local continuing education school, but there usually won't be for a course in a more unusual language like Swedish or Finnish.

Cooking classes are a good example of how self-learning is often the better option. At an adult education center, classes will be offered in a certain type of cooking, like baking Christmas cookies or in preparing thirty-minute recipes, and the course will cost about fifty dollars. One will be shown how to prepare about half a dozen recipes, and will have to write down each and every ingredient and step, hoping not to miss anything. Meanwhile, at the bookstore the same fifty dollars could buy a couple of good cookbooks which will be filled with recipes, and sometimes, there will be step-by-step pictures showing the preparation. It's simpler to buy cookbooks and to go through them at home.

Computer skills are another area in which self-study is a much better option than taking a class. Much of the computer software today practically tells the user how to operate the program, and there are extensive software manuals that one can refer to when something isn't clear. Learning how to use a new software program can be an interesting challenge on one's own. However, anybody who has ever sat in a computer course knows how tedious it can be to have to follow an instructor go through each little detail. It's similar with mathematics, which is often regarded as being tough, boring, or simply unpleasant. Teaching oneself mathematics from a book is like solving puzzles with numbers, and it's easier to remember the steps. Although I'm certain that there are many good math teachers out there, I'm also convinced that having somebody stand in the front of a classroom going through each step of an algebra or trigonomerty problem is the worst way to learn mathematics.

It's worth considering the wide variety of learning materials which exist for self-study. Along with the huge variety of books that have been printed, there are also CDs to hear how a foreign language is spoken, and software offers an extension of self-study. There is software to teach people how to play musical instruments, to practice math problems, to practice the vocabulary and grammar of a foreign language, and the list goes on. Self-study materials are usually much cheaper than classes, also. Whichever skill might interest you, it's always worth looking into what kind of self-study materials are available.

The author lives in Munich and speaks English, German, and French. She's planning on starting a self-guided study to learn Swedish soon.

Learn German-part 1- Video Lessons

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Monday, December 30, 2013

German Wirehaired Pointer History, Grooming, Health Issues and Temperament

by: Scott Lipe

Description: The German Wirehaired Pointer is a well balanced dog standing 22-26 inches in height and weighing 60-70 lbs. They should have long, thin legs leading up to a well proportioned body. They have a long neck and a rather square head. Their faces should be brown with oval eyes, and rounded ears that hang close to the head. Their coat colouring should be either liver and white, with ticking, or roan and spotted, they can also be solid liver, whichever marking though their head should be liver, with or without a white blaze, and their ears should be liver. The coat is this breeds most distinctive feature, they have an undercoat that should be thin in the summer and profuse in the winter, and their outer coat is harsh and wiry making them weather resistant and almost waterproof. History: Originating around 150 years ago in Germany, the German Wirehaired Pointer was developed to be a versatile hunter capable of working anywhere from mountains to forests and open plains. Its ancestry has never been completely agreed on but it is thought that the Wirehaired Griffon, Pudelpointer, Stichelhaar, and Deutsch-Kurzhaar were the main breeds used. They are used for many things such as hunting water fowl, searching for game, and as a gun dog, tracking wounded animals and even non hunting things such as guard dogs. On top of all this though they were also designed to make a great companion and pet.

Temperament: The German Wirehaired Pointer is a loyal family companion who is affectionate and intelligent. They are very active dogs, though, and so need plenty of exercise without which they can become bored and hard to manage. They should be socialised from a young age or they can become aloof with strangers, they also need an owner who the dog knows is in command. You should never be aggressive or violent towards a dog, however if they think they are in charge they can become dominant. Due to the level of loyalty they have to their family, they can sometimes become jealous of other pets, however because they are such intelligent dogs training them shouldn't be difficult even if they're having a stubborn 5 minutes.

Health Issues: Although usually a healthy dog, the German Wirehaired Pointer is prone to a few illnesses and diseases these can include ear infections, hip dysplasia, genetic eye disease, bloat and skin cancer. Their average life expectancy is between 12 and 14 years. Another condition they can suffer from is bladder control disease; this is an exceptionally rare illness that can cause unfortunate accidents. They can also get Lymposarcoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes, and hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the blood vessels of the spleen, right atrium and the liver.

Grooming: The German Wirehaired Pointer should be brushed 2-3 times a week, to be kept looking their best, and they should also be hand stripped occasionally when it is needed. They are an average shedder and should only be bathed when needed; their coat should have a rough texture so over bathing them could soften their fur. It's also important to regularly clean their ears, and check their paws for any debris they may have picked up.

Living Conditions: Due to the fact that they are such energetic dogs, they are not suited to apartment life and are defiantly not suited to being kept in a kennel. They would do best with an active family who have a big garden so that they can run around and keep themselves amused.

Be sure to check out my website Teacup Yorkie. We Specialize in Teacup Yorkies and We Now Have Some Tiny and Beautiful Teacup Yorkie Puppies For Sale.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Schutzhund Dog Training-Training Your Dog to Be Incredible

by: Mike Sorian

Schutzhund dog training is the highest rung of the dog training ladder, and requires working with your dog using much more advanced techniques than mere obedience training. It takes a very special dog to start with if you would like to get involved with Schutzhund dog training. Schutzhund training started out in Germany over a 100 years ago, in order to test a dog's ability to serve as a police dog. Schutzhund is actually the German word for protection dog. Today's Schutzhund competitions include tracking and obedience trials along with the protection trial.

For most of the history of the Schutzhund training the dogs have been German shepherd dogs, but these days there are some other breeds that receive the Schutzhund training lessons. The dogs need to be athletic, intelligent and courageous to qualify for this difficult training. In order to qualify as a possible candidate for the Schutzhund training the dog need to have the following characteristics

* Your dog must enjoy working very much.
* Your dog must be able to display courage.
* Your dog must be able to learn training quickly
* The dog must develop a very strong relationship with his handler.
* Your dog must have a natural strong protective instinct.
* Your dog needs to have plenty of perseverance.

The Schutzhund dog trials are based on three different tests: tracking, obedience and protection. There are 3 levels of Schutzhund training, Schutzhund I, Schutzhund II, and Schutzhund III, with each level more demanding the the previous one. These Schutzhund III dogs are the best trained dogs in the world.

Tracking: A decoy lay out a trail of dropped items-and your dog's tracking ability, his stamina and his mental sharpness will all be tested in this trial. While performing the tracking trial the handler puts his his dog on a 33 foot leash and follows him around the course. Your dog must find the dropped items and mark where they are, usually by lying down and putting his front legs around the item. Your dog's tracking training must be fine tuned to do well on the challenging course. The dogs are graded on a 100 point system based on how well the performed the course.

Obedience: After tracking, the next trial is for obedience, and the obedience trials are help in an open field. Each dog works in a pair with another dog-one dog will wait on the side of the field while the other dog performs the obedience trial with the handler. At the completion of one dog's trial, the dogs then switch positions. The actual exercises are varied and to do well your dog is required to have total focus. Among the exercises are heeling amidst crowds of people, and even while shots are fired from a gun, and male dogs must stay focused within the scent of a female dog in heat. There are many other exercises including a variety of jumps, climbing, retrieving, etc. The judges will score your dog depending on his enthusiasm on his abilities to perform the trial's exercises.

Protection: During the protection trial there will be a real challenge to your dog's courage and as to whether he can protect himself and you from danger. A decoy will be hiding somewhere on the course behind a blind. Your dog is commanded to search the blinds on the course until he locates the decoy and announces the decoy's presence by barking. Your dog should be trained to guard the decoy until you have a chance to arrive. This is where the police work side of the Schutzhund training is put to use. the handler now comes up to the decoy, and will search him prior to escorting him to where the judge is waiting. During the search or while being escorted the decoy will try some escapes.During the escape attempt your dog must be able to stop the escape by biting and holding onto the decoy's padded sleeve. When the decoy stops his struggling, your dog must know to release the sleeve as soon as you command him to stop. The dogs are judged depending on their courage, enthusiasm as how well they can control their aggression.

There may be a Schutzhund dog training club in your area where you can watch a competition or join up. However, there is not an abundance of Schutzhund clubs in the U.S., but the sport is growing in popularity. It takes more than one person to properly do the Schutzhund training, so you'll need to have someone who can help you. Having someone to help you train your dog and teach you some tips about Schutzhund training is the main reason it is great to join a Schutzhund club if you are interested in this type of training for your dog. If you find that there are no nearby clubs, try learning more about Schutzhund training with a good DVD or video on the subject and see how amazing these dogs are.

As a lifetime dog owner and lover of many dogs, I have learn a lot about training and caring for my dogs. I have written many helpful articles for you on dog obedience training and solving your dog's behavior problems. To read more, please visit http://www.BehaveDoggy.com. Please click here to read my full review of the best dog training program http://www.behavedoggy.com/secrets-to-dog-training-review/.

Learn German - Lesson 20

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Intelligence Increase Through Image Streaming

by: Franz Rasch

Can you increase your personal IQ by as much as 20 points by the use of image streaming (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_streaming)? This seems to be a proven claim by now.

You might have seen them yourself: there are thousands of web-sites and books peddling all kinds of methods for self-improvement and personal growth. We know because we've read perhaps not most of them but at least one typical specimen of each category, a (re)search quest that started over fourty years ago.

But let's get back to the basics: what does (physiologically) constitute intelligence?

There's but one thing that sets a more intelligent brain apart from one a little less so, its internal "wiring":

1. the amount of connections (synapses) that relate brain cells with each other and equally important

2. the strength of these pathways

3. and how they relate with each other.

The way brain cells can interact with each other is virtually unlimited, that is to say, trying to calculate all possible combinations leaves us with a figure that's many times higher than even the amount of atoms in the whole universe.

Then there's also the speed with which new connections are formed, but research seems to suggest, that both human "subspecies", those who are forming new connections rather quickly and the "neurologically slow" both have their mutually exclusive advantages in survival which is why both sets of genes are still transmitted down through the generations. We'll discuss this topic in a forthcoming article.

Now, if the three points shown above by and large constitute the physiological basis for intelligence as it seems to be measured by standard tests, then we must only find out how these connections between cells (neurons) are increased? Well, as everyone knows, this process is simply called learning. The interesting thing is though, that learning can as much happen by interacting physically (including smelling, listening and seeing!) with your environment as well as interacting with a virtual world, like in thinking, meditation, contemplation etc.

This virtual world is for your brain cells every bit as real as the outside world, and the reason is easy to understand: that "outside" world does not exist for your brain - it is transmitted to your nerve cells via electrical impulses and it makes no real difference where these impulses are generated.

So when you vividly remember something you are training those pathways as much as if you experienced the scene physically that is now a memory! You can only exercise a limited amount physically per day without completely exhausting yourself but you can relive as many memories as you wish per day and you can create new experiences in your brain by ... well, being creative! Since your subconscious mind does handle about ten million times more data over time than your conscious mind does, the most powerful method of creating an extra load of traffic on your neural pathways is to let your subconscious take over. That pretty much describes what image streaming is all about: associate freely and let flow and come forth everything that your subconscious produces. Since most of your memories are visual images, even if you are not consciously aware of it, this requires to let images flow freely, or, in other words, image streaming. And if you practice steadily and repeatedly you will eventually increase your IQ considerably as you beat new paths and create new paths (associations) between hitherto less or unconnected areas of your knowledge. And that, in essence, is intelligence.

Here are some resources that prove the point or shed more light on the subject:

Image-Streaming - Learn it here now—your most powerful mode of thinking and perceiving, by Win Wenger, Ph.D. http://www.winwenger.com/imstream.htm

Two GUARANTEED Ways to Profoundly Improve Your Intelligence, by Win Wenger http://www.winwenger.com/ebooks/guaran4.htm

Image Streaming - A Technique Review http://futureimperative.blogspot.com/2005/03/image-streaming-technique-review-al.html

It doesn't matter, if it's really 20 IQ points or less, the main point is: no matter where you start from, if you practice only a few times you will notice a much richer stream of visul imagery that helps you find creative solutions and helps to keep your brain fit - which is even a good way to stave off dementia, Alzheimer's disease etc.

On http://www.fsa-ev.de you can find more articles on learning techniques and strategies or intelligence training in both English and German.

False Friends/Falsche Freunde | Learn German Lesson

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Five Reasons to Study Graphic Design in Tampa

by: William Hauselberg

Attending a Tampa graphic design school can give you many skills that will transfer not only into the field of art, but skills that can prepare you for a variety of life situations. Art school can help students hone their communication and time management skills. Anyone who has attended art school while holding down a job has learned how to prioritize and meet deadlines. Managing studying, art projects, and earning a paycheck means learning how to achieve balance.

Studying Graphic Design in Tampa Can Be Fun

Of course, many would argue that attending any school in sunny Tampa would be fun, but this is especially true when studying graphic design. At a traditional school, students spend their time studying subjects that sometimes don't interest them. At a graphic school in Tampa, you can study a subject that interests you while surrounded by a city with beautiful scenery.

Graphic Design is Challenging and Changing

Graphic design is not an art form that stays the same for very long, but rather technique, style, and technology are always evolving. Students who find change and advancement exciting will not be disappointed when studying this dynamic field. Graphic design can be all about new techniques, constant change, and continuously opening yourself to new ideas.

Graphic Design Students Get to Express Themselves

Some people just have an eye for design. Attending a Tampa art school will give you an outlet to express your thoughts, views, and feelings. Through the guidance of your professors, you can learn how to advance your skills and better express yourself through your designs whether it's a simple menu for a restaurant or an artistically styled poster.

Meet People with Similar Interests

Studying with like-minded students will help you grow as a graphic designer and as a person. You can bounce ideas off of classmates and peers and even learn from their successes and mistakes. You can find people in all walks of life enrolled in graphic design programs in Tampa. Some are recent high school graduates while others have been in the rat race for many years and decided to return to school to study a new field. You'll find all sorts of people at art school, and it will give you a chance to broaden your horizons from the comfort of sunny Tampa.

Visit http://www.artinstitutes.edu for more information about Tampa graphic design school and Tampa art school.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How To Stop Your Dog Barking

by: Geoff Wainwright

Train Your Dog to Stop Barking

Dogs usually bark because they are bored. Dogs want a lot of attention and they don't know how to behave when alone. Unfortunately, we have usually set this situation up ourselves. You want your dog to be happy, so you spoil him: you give your dogs treats and pat him whenever you wish. It is entirely normal for you to act this way and entirely normal for your dog to complain when he feels neglected.

You must teach your dog that barking for your attention doesn't work. If he is unhappy outdoors and he barks and you eventually bring him inside the house, he will learn that barking gets results. If you yell at him when he barks, your dog also sees that as reward. your dog thinks, "I'm bored so maybe I can get my owner to yell at me again." When you yell at your dog it just doesn't work. If you use negative reinforcement, it can still be useful. Here is a little story that will help explain what I mean:

Many years ago, I owned a young dog. There were times when this dog barked at night for no apparent reason. My dog was warm and well-fed, and he had plenty of water. His kennel was clean and dry. All he lacked was entertainment, while I sat inside and watched TV to keep me entertained. When I yelled at him to be "quiet", it made no difference and he kept barking.

Let me tell you what did work:

I put a small amount of water in a plastic cup and quietly stood in front of my dog, without saying a word. When my dog started barking again, I would quickly splash some water in his face. I woould then turn around turn around and go back inside and watch TV - all without saying a word. I did this about two or three times during the first night, once or twice during the second night and maybe only once the night after that. After doing this I ended up with peace and quiet.

It is important that you say the word "Quiet" and repeat saying it calmly and clearly once or twice in a normal voice. This will teach your dog to associate the word "Quiet" with water in his face and not with the barking behaviour. What you must do later, in situations where he would normaly bark but he stays quiet instead, is you calmly praise him.

Barking and Growling

If you have a dog that barks and growls and shows his teeth in a threatening way, it means he is getting ready to bite you. Please do not squirt water in his face or up his nose and do not threaten him. You should consult with your veterinarian or dog psychologist.

Barking When You Are Not Home

You need to make sure that you have done the all basic things:

Make sure that your dog has food and water,

Make sure he has a comfortable place to relax where he can't see people or other pets,

If necessary, bring him indoors.

The chance are high that if your dog is problem barker, he has never learned to be alone. He has become accustomed to your lavish attention without him having to earn it. He thinks he is the center of the world and when he finds himself abandoned he becomes distraught and then he starts barking. This is a natural behaviour for all dogs.

You Should Be a Good Role Model

Your dog only hears, "blah, blah, blah", when you talk to him. The important thing when communicating with your dog, is the way you say the words and the body language you display when saying the words. If you make a big deal of things by repeatedly reassuring your dog that everything is ok and you'll be back soon, then you really are making things worse. If you then excitedly greet your dog when you arrive home, it reinforces the idea in your dogs mind, that when he stays alone all day, it really is a big deal.

Only Praise and Pat Your Dog When He Deserves It

This is an important thing that is not easy to do. it is important that you do it and that the whole family follows this rule. In order to train a more obedient dog, you should only touch your dog when he has responded correctly to a command. Teach your dog to sit and when he sits praise him with a simple "good dog" and a pat on the head. You can gradually work up to longer sit times and evetually your dog can be relied upon to sit and stay in all situations. The bonus is that your guests will appreciate this obedient behaviour. You often see dogs jump up to greet their owners. A lot of dog owners believe that since they enjoy this type of greeting then other people enjoy this greeting also. Unfortunatel, this is just not true.

How To Practice "Being Out of Touch"

Now that you are nott patting, stroking and fondling your dog all the time, he will be learning now that it's ok to be "out of touch" for a short while. You should get him some good toys he can chew, such as Nylabones and Kongs. You should let your dog become distracted with a chew toy and then calmly and quietly leave the room, closing the door behind you. After a few minutes, preferably before your dog has become distraught about your absence, you can come back into the room and resume what you were doing. You should move calmly and not say anything. If your dog races over to greet you, you should ignore him completely not say a word. Don't even look at him. You need to teach your dog that your separation was completely unimportant and natural to you. This will then train your dog to think the same way.

Stop Saying Goodbye To Your Dog

When you are about to leave your dog alone for the day, you should start your morning schedule about ten minutes earlier than normal. Make sure your dog as been fed and try to get him settled in with a chew toy. You should get completely ready to walk out the door and then just sit down with the newspaper or a magazine. Make sure you just ignore your dog completely. After you have had several minutes of calm separation you should quietly walk out the door and go to work. Make sure you do not say good bye, to your dog and do not even look at him. Even though you are leaving for the day, you do not want to make this is into a big deal. When you return home later in the day, you must be equally calm and not make a big deal. Just ignore your dog and do not pat him. Do not get excited about greeting him. Go inside and change your clothes or whatever you do when you get home. Once your dog has settled down then you can acknowledge him by telling him to sit. Only after he sits doeshe get a pat on the head and a simple "good dog". It is no big deal, you were only away for the day.

Dogs Need Toys While To Play With

If you leave your dog alone during the day, then he is in an unnatural situation. He is all alone with nothing to do. If you want to avoid having a dog that barks and tears up your house, then you need to keep your dog busy.

There are many great toys on the market such as Kong chew toys with hollow and openings at both ends. You can put food or dog treats inside these toys. You can try putting a dog biscuit in there at first, then later you could try packing it with canned food and freeze it, so it takes your dog a long time to get the food out. This is a great way to keep your dog busy while you're gone and at the same time your dog must work to earn some food. You can buy several Kongs and hide them in different places. In order for this exercise to work, your dog must be feeling hungry.

If your dog is overweight and getting too much food, you can find adjustable feeding balls that also work with dry food. In order for your dog to get to the food, he ust roll the ball around so that the food falls out through the holesmin the toy. You can make sure that getting a full meal takes a long time. Another method you could try, is try leaving the TV on for entertainment while you are away.

Stop Your Dog Barking by Distraction

You need to make something mysterious or unsettling happen or something so puzzling that your dog forgets to bark for a while. If you make a short sharp unidentifiable sound, it should distract your dog. You will have to use your own ingenuity, but here is a suggestion:

Head off to work as you usually do in the morning and calmly ignore your dog. get in your car and drive away then quietly return, approaching from downwind. If your dog barks you should make some sharp noise. You may have to repeat this over several days.

Geoff Wainwright invites you to quickly learn how to solve your dog barking problems at: http://citronellabarkcollar.com.au/ To instantly get free access to "101 Ways To Improve Your Dogs Behaviour", valued at $19.95, go to: http://citronellabarkcollar.com.au/ezine

(c) Copyright - Geoff Wainwright. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Learn German # 3 - The most common used german regular verbs

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Old Violin Shop: Tips On Buying Your First Violin

by: Daniel Wright

Whether you have been playing the violin since you were young, or want to start taking lessons now, there are a number of things to consider when shopping for a violin online. These things include cost, location of the product, quality, and additional items the violin is being sold with. You should research online for a good old violin shop to find quality violins for sale (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/).

Cost is the first and foremost concern in any purchase you make. This cost can be outstanding when shopping for a musical instrument. A fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=) or violin can cost anywhere from one hundred to a million dollars and the one you choose can be somewhere between these amounts. Buying a cheaply made instrument would not be worth the time and energy involved. A quality violin can be expected to cost around a thousand dollars. You may want to consider learning to play a different instrument if you don't want to spend this much.

In today's world where online technology has made it easy to find an old violin shop (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/) anywhere in the world, there may be some reasons to stick to the traditional shopping near home concept. In purchasing an instrument from an old violin shop found online, there are several risks associated. For example, the instrument can be damaged during shipping and they are very sensitive to weather variations. For this reason, if having an instrument sent from a distance is the method one chooses, it is best to consider insurance on the product.

The quality of the instrument is very important. There is no use in learning to play a bad quality instrument because it will never sound good. It will also be more prone to breaking and slipping out of tune. This is why you need to consider the cost of the instrument when making your decisions.

Often times the fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=) will be sold with a case and a bow. These are extra items that you will want to compare when choosing your violin. Quality cases and bows are also expensive so if the cost of the violin includes these, you could be getting a good deal.

The violin is an intricate instrument. It is very delicate and sensitive to its environment. It is possible to buy a few violins that are good quality but are broken in some way or another and take the pieces to a repair shop and get them mended together.

Dan Wright operates Ye Olde Violin Shoppe, an online version of an old violin shop (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/) that features a huge selection of violins for sale (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/). Whether acoustic or electric, you'll find superb examples of Italian, German, French and other quality made fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=)s for sale with new violins daily. Join our new violin forum...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Should You Crate Train Your Rottweiler?

by: Dory Harvey

Why Should You Crate Train Your Rottweiler

Want to know how to crate train your rottweiler? You're are definitely not alone. Every year, rottweiler owners around the globe learn how to keep their rottweiler in a crate or separate room when they go out, so they can reduce anxiety, destructive behaviour and barking. It is also a hugely important tool when trying to house break a new rottweiler puppy and can make your life much easier if your rottweiler insists on sleeping in your bed or on the lounge suit.

The Value Of A Crate To Your Rottweiler.

Whether you're learning how to crate train your rottweiler or just determining if it is a safe space for your rottweiler, know that most if not all dogs enjoy their crates immensely. In the wild, a dog will search out a small, safe space to burrow into that will keep them warm and secure. A crate does that fantasticly, giving them a secure space that is theirs alone. Dogs that have large open spaces regularly have trouble differentiating their "home" from it, and will grow nervous trying to manage and police the entire space.

How To Crate Train Your Rottweiler.

Ideally, you will crate train your rottweiler as a puppy. An adult rottweiler that has never been in a crate will have a harder time adjusting to the small space and may become uneasy. A puppy will also be a bit distressed but adapts much more rapidly, and if the puppy never has the option to sleep with you in your bed, it will probably not have anything to be upset about.

It is best to place the crate in the family room where a lot of people will be. At night, you should put the crate in your bedroom to give them a good presence nearby. In due course, after a month or so, you should happily be able to leave them in one place, but for now, be close to keep them calm and secure.

When you put your rottweiler puppy in the crate, make sure he has a hygienic, comfortable place to sleep, a source of water, and a toy to keep him busy if need be. The crate should be only large enough for him to sleep in. If he can walk around in it, he may make a mess in it. As long as your rottweiler can move around freely in the crate, it is comfortable for them, and not inhumane.

When learning how to crate train your rottweiler, make sure you don't pull your rottweiler out of the crate if he gets upset. This will only demonstrate to your puppy that if he makes a fuss, you'll give him attention. Make sure you only take your puppy out of the crate when he has been quiet for at least 5 or 6 minutes. Then, welcome him with a lot of attention and even a treat to show him that he did it right.

At first, try to leave your rottweiler puppy in the crate for short periods of time - an hour or two at a time. As he gets older, step-up that time to equal a entire night of sleep or a day at work.

If you find out how to crate train your rottweiler properly, you'll be able to ensure your rottweiler never gets too loud, destructive, or anxious when you depart. A puppy adapts faster too, which is much less stressful for everybody in the house.

Hi Im Dory and am passionate about animals especially rottweilers. I have been a rottweiler owner for many years and they truly are a wonderful dog. Lovable, playful, caring, protective and extremely loyal, they just love being with you. I believe we are all responsible for providing our pets with a happy healthy home.


Friday, December 20, 2013

Die Deutsche Sprache (Before you learn German !)

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The Blue Ram Cichlid

by: Preston Mane

A Blue Ram cichlid is an overall docile fish, but is not normally recommended for new aquarium owners. Owning this species of fish can take a great amount of care and knowledge. Not everyone is up for such a challenge when they are becoming first time fish owners.

Appearance of the Blue Ram Cichlid

This cichlid can grow to be almost 3 inches in length, although the female is usually smaller than that. The fish is short and thick, with very bright colors. Its body is colored yellowish green, with blue spots. Some Blue Ran Cichlids may develop light stripes on its body, as well. Wild Blue Rams fish will commonly have darker stripes than those kept in captivity.

The German Blue Ram cichlid's appearance is different. Its flanks are most often blue or gray, and its head and chest are normally patterns mixed with yellow and black, with different shades of blue. Red spots can be seen around its eyes and belly.

Care of a Blue Ram Cichlid

Blue Ram cichlids are native to the Orinoco River basin, located in the llanos of Columbia and Venezuela. They are accustomed to water temperatures that range between 78 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH levels stay around 5, thus they will prefer soft and acidic water in their tanks. In order to keep Blue Ram cichlids, a 20 gallon tank is required. They like to have a lot of room, so the tank size should be increased if more fish will be added to the tank. If Blue Ram cichlids are unhappy with their surroundings, they can become aggressive, even violent.

The best way to keep the Blue Ram cichlid happy and keep its aggression in check is to replicate the conditions of the its natural environment in your aquarium. The first step for doing this is to research the water chemistry of the Orinoco River basin (most of the water chemistry is listed above). Then you will want to research the substrate of the river basin as well as the plants. You can also find out which freshwater fish also live in the Orinoco and use them as tank mates for the Blue Ram.

Once you have completed your research (which you may want to do before you buy a Blue Ram), you will have a list of everything you need to make it feel right at home: water parameters, tank mates, substrate, and plants.

There is a lot to learn about proper cichlid care and cichlid aquarium setup. Learn the insider secrets on my site.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Six Safest Techniques To Stop Boxer Puppy Biting Issues

by: Marcus B Stephens

Growing your own puppy in your house might be pleasurable. However, it can also become your worst nightmare. Perhaps Boxer puppy biting problem could be the most difficult issue a breeder could ever handle when training Boxer dogs.

Puppies are fond of Boxer biting and chewing, whether it is an object or a person's body part. It is not new to individuals that even a single Boxer bite can be painstaking and even deadly, whether they do this for fun or not.

Although Boxer puppy biting may occur as a part of growing up, it would be better to halt this habit in the safest way possible while he is still young. It would be hard to do this in grown up canines.

Six Techniques To Halt Boxer Puppy Biting Problems:

First Technique: Know that Boxer puppy biting is a normal behavior that signals the development of their Boxer bite inhibition. Puppies, like human infants, bite from time to time during their teething stage. Mother dogs usually teach their young to bite and chew their food, not humans, in order for them to survive.

However, if puppies don't learn these and during instances that they will get themselves isolated before their mothers can get the chance to socialize with them, the responsibility of Boxer training is left to the owner until their later life.

Second technique: Always remember to provide your Boxer social opportunities with other young and adult dogs. This will open a chance for him to inhibit his Boxer puppy biting as he recognizes the reaction of other dogs when he bites them hardly.

Eventually, he will learn Boxer biting without inflicting any pain and to avoid giving any pressure in his jaw while doing this. This way, you can free people as well as other animals from untoward incidences.

Third technique: Another method is to train Boxer dogs on how to utilize his teeth. Give him chew toys to give him something to chew besides a person's body part. If he starts Boxer puppy biting a person, give him a yell. Say "No" loudly to assert that you are not happy with that particular behavior.

If he does not obey, remove yourself away from him. Boxers do not like to be left alone. They will, then, associate this demeanor with being isolated. There is no way that you should strike at them or else, it will just aggravate their Boxer aggression.

Fourth technique: A certain method to ward off Boxer puppy biting involves Boxer obedience training using water. This is done through spraying water to your pup with a spray bottle or water gun every time he Boxer bites. It should be done lightly and not intended to harm him.

See to it that you catch him while biting a valuable object, like shoes, or another person for that matter. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day. In this way, he will associate Boxer biting with getting wet. Soon, he will come to realize that his behavior is not proper.

Fifth technique: Provide any form of incentives for his outstanding behavior. Majority if the dog professionals consider positive reinforcement as the most effective way to stop Boxer biting concerns. The dog's instinct is to please you and this technique will help him figure out what's good.

To increase your puppy's attention span, use food and affection as incentives. Give him praise and reward immediately after a good job to make him realize that what he did was right.

Sixth technique: In case the Boxer puppy biting issues have not resolved yet, then you may think of other ways to stop it. Dogs are pack oriented. Once they start to mature, they will be looking for their leader. And it should be you!

If you haven't established leadership as they reach this stage in life, there is a possibility that they will Boxer bite others in the group, including you. During mealtime, let him wait for you to finish. Do not allow him to eat ahead of you because he might think that he is the subordinate.

Boxer puppy biting might be hard to resolve. But with the right encouragement, everything will turn out the way you expect it to be. However, if these techniques do not work at all, you may seek for a veterinarian's opinion.

Marcus Stephens "The Dog Guy" has been a dog enthusiast for over 20 years now. He founded the website "Boxer Puppy Biting" and has written many popular articles on the Internet. Grab your FREE report that reveals how to stop your Boxer puppy biting problems for good

at=> http://www.FixBoxerProblems.com/BoxerPuppyBiting

at=> http://www.FixBoxerProblems.com/BoxerPuppyBiting

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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Breaking A Wild Mustang

by: CS Swarens

Wild Mustangs are a legendary part of Historic America. They represent the very essence of freedom and times when life was simpler and less hurried. Despite some myths, they come in all sizes, shapes and colors. They are also one of the most affordable methods for people to own a horse when other options fail.

Almost every child has dreamed of owning a horse at one time or another. However, for quarter horses, thoroughbreds and many other "popular" breeds, it is not at all uncommon for prices to start in the thousands of dollars. Mustangs can be had for a fraction of that cost. Unfortunately, many people have misconceptions about the Wild Mustang and often, ignorance and a little bit of work is the only thing that is truly preventing these people from owning their very own horse.

Some people think that it is necessary to break a horse. This may be true if you just want a horse that knows how to do nothing more than play follow the leader in a long string of horses. However, if you want to really experience the full joy of riding on a horse rather than just warming up a saddle while it happens to be on the horses back, try training the horse instead of breaking its spirits completely.

Training a horse may take a little more effort than simply breaking it but it has many benefits which many riders otherwise miss out on completely. If you truly want a magnificent horse and a piece of Americana all at the same time, follow these simple steps and you will find yourself with much more than just a magnificent ride. Be ready to work but do not despair, within a week, you should be able to ride your newfound friend just about anywhere.

Make sure that you do not give the Wild Mustangs any oats before you begin working them. In all honesty, you should not even give them too much alfalfa at first. The reason for this is that in their natural environment, most truly wild mustangs do not enjoy a diet overly rich in proteins. Giving a wild horse nothing but timothy hay or even alfalfa too rich in proteins will cause the horse to suffer from colic and suffer unnecessarily. A good blend of alfalfa with a little straw is often the best diet for your wild mustang ... at least until it gets used to eating well.

You may need to place your wild mustang in a small stall to get the bridle on at first. Once you get the bridle on, use nothing more than a hackamore at first and attach about thirty feet of soft rope to it. Never rap the rope in your hand or around your hands or you may lose more than you bargained for. Keep the rope loosely in one hand so that you can drop it or release it quickly if your wild mustang bolts or panics.

A round corral is preferable but not an absolute necessity. Take your wild mustang out and run it in circles. Do not just run it one way but be sure to alternate directions so that the horse does not develop problems with its legs. Keep it running around in circles until it is hot, sweaty, tired and just beginning to foam at the mouth. After two or three days of this, the horse should be used to you placing the bridle and hackamore and will be ready to run some more so will likely fight you much less.

After you have run the horse a couple of times, begin placing a horse blanket on its back and secure it with a cinch strap. You do not want a lot of weight on the horses back but it will not be ready for a saddle just yet either. Be certain not to leave any loose strap or anything else hanging down around the horses feet. If anything flashes quickly in front of its face or dangles across its feet, your mustang may bolt. Take advantage of this time to get your horse used to the curry brush as well. After a good run, your horse may even get to enjoy the brushing almost as much as it does running. Again, you may want to try this while your mustang is in a small stall. The two main reasons for doing this are so you are not in danger should your horse panic and so that if it does panic, you are safely outside where you can get away until it quits fighting you.

After your horse becomes used to the blanket, you will want to try a saddle. After you run your horse and it is good and tired, place the blanket on its back and then while still in the stall, place the saddle on its back. Place the stirrups up over the saddle at first so that they will not be bouncing off the horses side. You and the mustang will both fare much better. After you have the saddle firmly cinched, let the stirrups down. Do not worry about cinching it up too tight as you will not be riding it just yet.

After you do this a couple of times you will be ready to start the final steps in getting your horse ready to ride. Try putting the saddle on the third time with the horse in the stall as usual but before you go running. You should still be using the hackamore at this stage and now more than ever, it will be important not to wrap your rope around anything you are not ready to lose. Take the horse out and let it walk with the saddle the first time. Do not run it as the stirrups may very well cause the horse to panic.

Continue this way until your horse is comfortable with the saddle on its back and then run it a little. You will not have to run it as hard as before but you do want it running with the saddle on before you ever attempt to go riding. After this though, you are almost there. Make certain to curry down the mustang after each ride. By now your horse should be more familiar and more comfortable with you and the entire experience.

After you have done this a few times, you should notice your wild mustang calming considerably and perhaps even looking forward to the time you are spending together. Increase the protein intake slowly as you work the horse more but remember that it will need time to adjust to the food as much as to the saddle. By doing everything in this way, it may take a little more time but your mustang will retain much of its wild spirit while befriending you and learning to trust you.

Once you can do all of this with your horse comfortably outside of the stall without fear of reprisal, you are ready to begin riding. The wild mustang is a wild, mystical and marvelous animal. Work with your wild mustang a little slower and with a bit more patience and you will have a ride that is the envy of all your friends.

CS Swarens is the president of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's pet resource including pet classifieds at http://www.findapetonline.com

Research over 134 horse breed profiles at http://www.findapetonline.com/horse_breeds_n_z.html

Monday, December 16, 2013

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Boosting Solar Panels on Cloudy Days

by: Jakob Jelling

Can you boost solar panels on cloudy days? Yes, you can. Before we describe how to boost them, let's see how well the PV panels work when it's cloudy.

Clouds lower solar energy production: a light overcast could halve it, while thick blackish clouds could quarter it. Yet, even the thickest clouds and rain cannot stop the panels from producing electricity as there would still be enough diffuse sunlight in the atmosphere for the panels to work.

In cloudy weather, grid-tied systems would keep feeding solar electricity into the grid, while off-grid systems would keep sending electricity to batteries for your future use. If you live in a cloudy area, you could opt for grid-tied systems to supply you with electric in case of solar-generated power shortfalls. To combat the lowered electricity production, you could increase the number of panels or boost them.

How Can You Boost Solar Panels?

You can boost your panels to make them work better. How? Do you remember the old-time sun reflectors that people used for sun tanning? The efficiency of solar panels on cloudy days can also be boosted by simple reflectors - mirrors. Mirrors are commonly used in passive photovoltaic, such as solar heaters. Why can't active systems also use mirrors? They can, and some home systems are already employing reflectors.

Solar enthusiasts are reporting huge successes achieved by installing two side mirrors on their panels. The mirrors reflect light onto the panels, and are especially great at reflecting the diffuse light that is present in cloudy conditions. You can purchase cheap cracked mirrors at some second-hand stores. Two mirrors could become equivalent to a few hundred dollars in panels.

Cloudy Countries and Solar Power

Some cloudy countries are producing more solar-generated electricity than some sunnier countries. For instance, Germany is a gloomy-skied country, but about 50% of the world's PV energy is produced in cloudy Germany. Spain and Portugal, on the other hand, have twice more sunny days than Germany, but they cannot boast of large amounts of PV-generated electricity. German laws require regular utility companies to purchase solar-generated electricity with a mark-up. Thus, solar power plants have a great incentive to create clean power and feed it into the grids of the utility companies at a profit. New German laws have significantly boosted all renewable energy sources in this country, including solar and wind renewable energy sources.

Germany has some truly monstrous solar plants (it has some of the biggest photovoltaic plants in the world). For instance, the largest one can generate 40 megawatts, which is enough to power around 10,000 homes. Thus, solar power can be successfully generated also in cloudy conditions. As you can see, it is not just about the amount of sunny days, it's also about the size of the panels, and whether you boost them or not.

Free and totally environmentally friendly solar energy can save a lot of money to both, governments and individual consumers. Governments need to finally embrace solar technologies and help to make them more affordable for consumers.

Jakob Jelling runs http://www.solarpanelmanual.com which focuses on solar energy. Visit his site to learn more about solar panels under cloudy conditions.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

4 Common Cichlid Diseases and Causes

by: Preston Mane

When fish get sick, it is not always a lot of fun for his owner to nurse him back to health. All fish can contract diseases, including cichlids. The following paragraphs will provide some information regarding common cichlid diseases, along with some possible treatments.

Swim Bladder Disease

This cichlid disease affects the fish's swim bladder, which is an abdominal sac that ensures the fish's happiness and ability to swim in the water. When a cichlid is affected by this disease, he will display difficulties swimming, and has difficulties staying below the surface of the water. If you see your cichlid floating alive on the surface, it is likely he is suffering with swim bladder disease.

This disease is often caused by a poor diet. To prevent or treat this common cichlid disease, you need to add high fiber foods to your fish's diet.

Malawi Bloat

Malawi bloat is another one of the many cichlid diseases that commonly affect these fish, especially African cichlids. Symptoms can include bloated belly, white feces, and loss of appetite. When left untreated, this disease can cause damage to many different organs. Once their internal organs are damaged, the fish will probably perish within days.

Malawi bloat can be treated by taking a few simple steps. You must replace your filters, as well as change at least 50 percent of the water. You will also need to add clout and Metronidazole to your tank.

Hole-in-the-Head Disease

This disease can be seen in many freshwater fish species, including cichlids. As the name suggests, the main symptom of this disease is the appearance of an indent in the head of the fish. Other symptoms include a loss of appetite which leads to major weight loss. Studies indicate that this disease could be caused by a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

There are many other cichlid diseases that can commonly affect your fish and most of them are caused by deficiencies in water quality or diet. These are just three of them. If your fish is exhibiting abnormal behavior, he may be affected by one of the many common cichlid diseases. You need to identify what the disease is right away so that you can save your fish with the proper treatment. Identifying the disease will also tell you if it is contagious. If it is you will want to move the fish into a quarantine tank.

If you want to learn about other common cichlid diseases then head over to my site and learn. While there I recommend that you also read about cichlid breeding.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tumours in Rats - what to do when your pet rat has lumps and bumps

by: Catherine Smith

If you find a bump on your female rat, don't fret. It is usually a benign tumour. You should of course, still get it checked out by the vet. Female rats are very prone to lumps and bumps, especially around the mammary glands. Rats have nipples in odd places. There are a pair right behind their front legs, so this is a common place for a lump.

Benign tumours can grow very fast. They have been known to be the size of the rat itself. It is possible to have the lump surgically removed. If you catch the lump early, this is probably a good idea, as when it gets bigger it will make it difficult for your rat to groom herself and move around properly.

My beautiful rat Ginger has developed a benign tumour. Unfortunately the vet felt she was too old to operate on. There was too much risk involved. He also felt the lump would probably grow back elsewhere. The lump has grown over the last 4 months, but Ginger still seems happy. Sometimes she goes onto a course of antibiotics to help her feel better and she is more tired these days, but she still loves her cuddles and her best friend Mr T.

I have been giving her the following mixture to help her body fight:

Mix together the following ingredients:

3 capsules of CLA (Tonalin) (1000mg)
1 capsule Co-enzyme Q10 (10mg)
10 drops of echinacea/goldenseal liquid herbal extract
1ml of sublingual B vitamin complex liquid
1 capsule Super antioxidant formula (has vit C, E, beta-carotene and selenium - do not give this if Enervite or any other vitamin supplements are being given)
3 capsule Pau d'arco (500mg)
1 capsule Flaxseed oil (1000mg)
1" square of miso paste (pure organic, not flavored)

Divide into 14 parts and keep them in the fridge. If your ratty has a fast growing tumour give this twice a day, otherwise give it once.

You can mix it with yogurt or something else yummy that your rat loves, so as to disguise the taste.

If your male rat gets a lump, there is more chance it could be cancerous. Either way please take your rat to the vets straight away and be prepared for some nursing.

Catherine Smith

http://www.RatsRatsRats.com copyright Catherine Smith 2007-2008

Check out my website for everything you've ever wanted to know about pet rats. From training to toys, housing to health. You can even go shopping for your ratty friend.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Knitting Basics - Holding your Knitting Part 2

by: Mercedes Aspland

Previously we have looked at the best ways to hold your needles in order to get the most effective and comfortable knitting technique. In this article we are going to look at various ways you can hold the yarn. There are three techniques we will consider and we would recommend you try them and find the one that is most comfortable for you.

Yarn in Right Hand

There are a few different ways to work with the yarn in the right hand and they will often depend on where you are from and how you learnt to knit. However if you are going to have the yarn in the right hand then the first thing to do is to wrap the yarn around the right hand. How you do this depends on you and your comfort but one of the easiest ways is to place the yarn over the index finger then under the middle and index fingers and back over the little finger. Remember to not hold it too tightly though as you do not want to stretch the yarn you want it to just rest in your hand. With the yarn in your right hand there are a few ways you could hold the right needle:

1. Fixed Needle - this is probably the best way to keep control of your work and we have detailed some steps below:

a. Firstly you need to tuck the needle under your arm

b. Wrap the yarn around the right hand in the way you find most comfortable and put your hand on top of the needle

c. The needle with the stitches on should be in your left hand

d. The first stitch should be pushed to the end of the needle with your left thumb and then you should move the left needle so that the right one is inserted into the first stitch

e. Wrap the yarn around the needle with as little movement as possible from the right hand.

f. Move the left needle to take the old stitch over the new one and at the same time push the tip of the right needle back with your left thumb or index finger to remove the old stitch from the right needle.

2. Needle Like Pen - many people will hold the needle like a pen and the steps are the same as for the fixed needle except the right needle is not secured under the arm. Instead you hold the right needle between the thumb and index finger of the right hand. This looks like a more elegant way to knit however it is harder to control the right needle and can lead to uneven work and make it more likely that stitches get bunched near the tip and so they can be dropped.

3. Hand on Top - this is sort of half way between the other two methods with the hand position the same as the Fixed needle method. The only difference is that you do not secure the needle under your arm.

4. Yarn or Needle - many people who learn the pen method but have difficulty practising it end up doing this method. This is where the right needle is inserted in the old stitch, the knitter then lets go of the needle to wrap the yarn round the needle, then drops the yarn to pick up the needle and finish the stitch. This will make your knitting very slow and also difficult to control.

Yarn in Left Hand

This is also often called German knitting and can be a very effective way of knitting.

a. Wrap the yarn around the left hand in a way that you feel comfortable with. It is often a good idea to wind it round the left index finger a couple of times.

b. Take the needle with the stitches in the left hand and the other in the right as before.

c. Push the first stitch to the tip of the left needle and insert the right one into it.

d. Hook the yarn round your left hand with the right needle and pull it through the stitch.

Just make sure with this method that the right hand is not doing too much work.

Yarn Around Neck

This is a little known method but is very popular with Peruvian Indians.

a. Hang the yarn comfortably around your neck. If you have two colours hang them in opposite directions.

b. With the needles in their usual hands insert the right needle into the stitch.

c. Flick the yarn with the left thumb and catch it with the right needle and pull through the old stitch. Due to the position of the yarn this method makes purl easier than knit.

This article has been supplied by Mercedes Aspland for the knitting wool shop.

There is a lot more information on our site and you can buy Debbie Bliss yarn and many more.

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